Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

Summer Food Service Program

Feeding Dreams, Nourishing Summers

Summertime evokes images of play, laughter, and sunshine. But for many children, it’s also a time of uncertainty about where their next meal will come from. At Hope for the Needy, we’re determined to change that narrative with the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

Bridging the Gap

Schools play an integral role in ensuring children receive regular, nutritious meals. When schools close for the summer, the SFSP steps in, ensuring no child goes hungry and every tummy is filled with nutritious goodness.

Our SFSP Highlights

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Accessing the SFSP

For detailed information on meal distribution points, timings, and eligibility, please visit this section or contact us directly

Join us in our mission

With the SFSP initiative of Hope for the Needy, we’re not just serving meals; we’re serving hope, happiness, and a promise of a better tomorrow. Stand with us as we strive to make every child’s summer memorable and nourishing.

Encouraging Words from Pastor Moses Ogundayo

"Summer should be a season of joy and exploration for our children. Through the SFSP, we aim to ensure that the joy isn’t marred by hunger, and exploration isn’t limited by empty stomachs. Together, let's infuse warmth into summer, one meal at a time."

Pastor Moses Ogundayo Founder